The Simpsons
Leif is eagerly anticipating the Simpson’s movie.
Knocked Up
On Friday night, Wei and I went to the movie ‘Knocked Up.’ It was hilarious, I think my stomach muscle were actually sore the next day! It is one of those movies that you actually blush because you are so embarrass for the characters. It is probably not necessary to see on the big screen (unless you are bored after work on a Friday night!), but would be a great renter!
4th of July
I celebrated 4th of July with friends in West Seattle. The evening started at Bridget and Steve for some drinks and burgers, and some lifts!?! (see the photo below!) We then headed to Alki to watch some fireworks. Thanks to the Safeway fish guy, we had a great view of both the Elliot Bay and Lake Union fireworks shows. After the fireworks and some time playing by the water, we head back to our vehicles…which were up a very long steep hill…with no street lights….and no sidewalks…and we were all wearing flip-flops! Let’s just say, it wasn’t pretty!
Big Purchase
So, I finally joined the rest of society and bought a computer! I pretty much “geeked-out” all day Sunday trying to figure things out, although I think it will take me many more or those days to completely understand this machine!! Next item to purchase.…a printer! Thanks for your help Leif!!
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